Saturday, November 6, 2010

Review of The 90 Day Novel

Alan Watt’s new book  The 90 Day Novel is more than a how-to book, or another book about someone else’s process that only works for them. Somehow Al is able to pull the essence out of every important aspect of writing a story and then frame it in a universal context. The pedagogue figure is absent in this book, Al is right there with us. You get the feeling that he is working through the muck of a novel himself. He is generous in sharing his agony, fears and self-doubt. Any writer, novice or seasoned will appreciate Al’s consistent fight to help us writers stay out of the dangerous waters of “results” by engaging with the creative process. His unique and freeing process of inquiry sends you right back into your story. “Stay curious” are words he repeats ad infinitum and ad nauseum sometimes, but to an important end for the student.
            Creative writing can take you to some dark and lonely places. Al stays right there with you and shows you the light in between the clouds. Make no mistake though, this book is not a formulaic gimmick on how to write a novel. Followed closely – or probably even loosely – the 90 Day Novel will tell you how to find the story inside of you, the one that can only be told by you.
            The 90 Day Novel gets a permanent spot on the bookshelf next to the other inspiring ‘How to Write’ books.  
            And a personal testament: Al’s teaching got me over a twenty year bout of writers block. His method opened a door where writing is now pouring out of me but I remain dumbstruck over how effective is his teaching process. 

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